1985 高校生ルーツレゲエバンド”ASB”を結成し、地元静岡のクラブを中心にレゲエ活動を始める
1988 横浜で活動を展開し同時にSOUNDSYSTEM”BANANA SIZE”での活動が始まる。
1991 NYに住み、JAMAICAとNYを行き来し、アキ&ソルトフィッシュらと共に本格的レゲエを学ぶ。
1992 VIPレーベルから初アナログレコード「WICKED JAPANESE」リリース。
1993 JAMAICA長期滞在、地元DJとゲットーを中心にショーに出演。SOUNDSYSTEM”キラマンジロ”の日本ツアーに も参加。静岡県の観光PRソングの制作し県のCMコンテストでグランプリを受賞。
1997 タイの”いのちの祭り”参加。
1999 サンデイゴの”ボブマーリーデーフェステイバル”参加。
2000 メキシコインデイアンのウチョール族のセレモニー”時間をはずした日”や”
いのちの祭り 2000”にZION HIGH PLAYAZと共に参加。
2001 新レーベル”ザヤナイ”を立ち上げる。
2005 7月には新しくKITEKI MUZIKを立ち上げた 。台湾ツアーに行き、アジアへの扉を開く。
2007 6月21日NEW ALBUM “I Land I”をリリース
2008 6月25日、20周年記念 NEW ALBUM “PAPA U-Gee BEST+”をリリース 、
8月には、3度目の台湾ツアー、横浜レゲエ祭、SUNSET LIVEなどBIG FESTIVALに出演
2009 6月24日に新しいミニアルバム“NATURAL”をリリース。9月横浜レゲエ祭出演、
2010 年末から2011の初めにかけて、初のフィリピンツアー、
2011 6月15日にNEW ALBUM”CONNECTION”リリース
MIGHTY CROWN20周年 横浜レゲエ祭出演
2012,2013 フィリピンのMALASHIMBO MUSIC FES 出演,香港、ベトナムツアー,
2014 中国広州での2万人を集めたFES, Starsing Asia world music fesに出演、
2015 中国雲南省、桂林に招待され 4カ所ツアー 現地レゲエバンドとセッション
2016 ミニアルバム”SAVE THE CHILDREN”リリース タイのJAHDUB STIDOでのGA-PIによるアレンジ、ミックスと
大阪STUDIO RIMのRAITAによるアレンジ、ミックス。
SUNSET LIVE 2016にタイのGA-PIと共演。
横浜レゲエ祭出演や 焼津の町づくり親善大使に選ばれる等活動の幅も広く台湾、フィリピンツアーをきっかけに今後アジア進出へ向けて活動中!
Profile – English
PAPA U-Gee is one of the most respected reggae artists from Japan.
He has more been performing Roots, Reggae, Dancehall and Dub for over 25 years, and is a prominent artist on the reggae scene in Japan, as well as having been a key figure in building the Japanese reggae scene and making it the most developed reggae scene to this day in Asia. PAPA U-Gee can also be credited as one of the people who gave Sami T of Mighty Crown his first shot in Jamaica.
PAPA U-Gee began his career with his first Roots band “ASB” in 1985 and later joined Yokohama based Reggae/Dancehall Sound System – “Banana Size Hi-Fi” in 1988. To get a taste of the reggae scenes overseas PAPA U- Gee He traveled to New York and Jamaica during the early 90’s, and in 1992 he released his first vinyl record, “Wicked Japanese”, under V.I.P. International JPN label.
The following year, PAPA U-Gee moved to the rough neighbourhood of Cockburn Pen, Kingston, Jamaica – to further immerse himself in reggae culture – where notable artists such as Super Cat, Josey Wales, U-Roy and Early B originated from.
During his stint as a resident of Cockburn Pen, PAPA U-Gee, alongside close Jamaican friend Emperor Star, frequented the local studios such as Record Factory, Tuff Gong, and King Jammy’s Studio – where fellow musicians congregated. And it was at Dub Store where PAPA U-Gee connected with the world famous sound system “Killamanjaro”. The 2 years spent in Jamaica proved to be an invaluable time for PAPA U- Gee, as the exposure to such greats such as Sugar Minott, Leroy “Horsemouth” Wallace, Major Mackerel, and Leggo Studio’s Bravo undoubtedly shaped his character and sound as a reggae artist.
After his return to Japan, PAPA U-Gee released many records that covered conscious themes such as Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. Tracks such as Oh Mama, A Walk, Try, andConnection have gained commercial recognition, and his hugely popular song Yaizu Ko has become a gateway track into reggae music for many Japanese reggae fans.
To further his already respected reputation in Japan, PAPA U- Gee began working with legendary Japanese Roots band “ZION HIGH PLAYAZ”, and
set up his own production/label “KITEKI MUZIK”, on which he has since released 4 albums and 7 mini albums independently, including his last release in 2016, “SAVE THE CHILDREN”.
Furthermore, PAPA U-Gee is no stranger to the international stage. Performing at reggae festivals all over the world, such as the “Tribute to the Reggae Legends Festival”, formerly known as Bob Marley Day (U.S.A.), Jubilee Jam,BIG MOUNTAIN FES,PAI REGGAE FES (Thailand), ,Taitung Music Festival (Taiwan),BOB MARLEY DAY(Philippines).STARSING ASIA MUSIC FES(CHINA) as well as making more than 4 appearances at Mighty Crown’s Yokohama Reggae Sai (Japan) where more than 40,000 Japanese reggae fans descend annually to this event in Yokohama. Since 2007,
PAPA U-Gee has built a significant fan base in Taiwan,China,Thailand, Vietnam,Singapore and the Philippines, where he continues to help build the respective local reggae scenes by collaborating with local artists.
He has also been awarded the honour of “Town Planning Goodwill Ambassador” in his home town of Yaizu, Shizuoka, Japan. In the future, PAPA U-Gee plans to carry on as a reggae ambassador spreading peace and unity across Asia and the globe through the culture of reggae music.